Here you'll find more information about the areas in which we provide service. Party Bus Wichita, KS, knows that Kansas is a varied place, and that's why we're able, willing, and eager to service the entire state. Regardless of the event you're trying to procure transportation for, or the area you're interested in, you can feel confident that Wichita Party Buses is going to be able to provide you with the best transportation possible. Wichita Party Buses is able to service an extensive area, which includes the counties surrounding Sedgwick as our standard rate service area. We've listed the cities below so you can get a better idea of the area we usually service. We also are able to extend our range beyond this area, but the costs may vary, so we recommend giving us a call or sending and email to obtain area specific information to this regard. Do you need transportation for large groups to long-distance areas? We offer our incredible Charter Bus Wichita! We look forward to speaking with you and setting up your trip!